Our Mission is to encourage young men and to reinforce that what is in the past is in the past. Jeremiah 29:11, He says: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” We provide programs to benefit their well being. In order to do this we will help with time management and goal planning.

Our Vision Is to be a provider of community based, trauma informed, and family focused support to North Carolina’s most challenged youth and their families.

Core Values We wish to provide excellence in Service through healthy relationships, real love, forgiveness, salvation, peace, hope, and joy.

Management Team

Founder and principal worker is Frances Prescott. She has a Bachelor’s Degree In Management Information Systems. She has worked in the IT field for over 20 years and currently works for a large broadband service company. Her strengths include: business development, data analysis research, business plan and grant writing.

Additionally there are three board members with over 20 years of successful social services, mental health, therapy and transitional living programing experience.

A note from Frances about her personal life

I’m a faith based single mother of a son whose father died of Cancer when he was three years old and is now himself a father of three children. Fortunately they are thriving and doing well. But I couldn’t do it alone I needed a village to help and my village consisted of God, my mother and father, sister’s who came to live with me. I worked 3rd shift to be home during the day until he started all day kindergarten. The Boy’s and Girls Club mentored my son with after school programs and summer day camp. My son also attended church youth programs that prepared him for college which gave him the confidence to attend.

I realize that everyone doesn’t have the same experiences but a successful outcome all the same. I don’t define success by money, or material possessions but character and compassion for other humans on the planet. I can’t do this alone so I’d like to collaborate with you!

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